Multiple sequence alignment, gene structure, and conserved motif analysis of NtHD-ZIP IVs. a Multiple sequence alignment of NtHD-ZIP Vs in N. tabacum. b Exon-intron structure analysis of NtHD-ZIP IV genes. Introns and exons are indicated by black lines and rectangles, respectively. c Analysis of the conserved motifs. Conserved motifs are labeled with different colored frames
The Xiangtangshan Grottoes, also known as Xiangtang Temple Grottoes, are located in the Fengfeng Mining District, southwest of Handan, Hebei. Among the largest grottoes in Hebei, they form a Buddhist grotto and are famous across China. The Xiangtangshan Grottoes are composed of the South Xiangtangshan Grottoes and the North Xiangtangshan Grottoes with a short distance between them. The royal family of the Northern Qi Dynasty directed the building of the North Xiangtangshan Grottoes. Located in north of the Fengfeng Mining District, the North Xiangtangshan Grottoes form a major scenic spot for tourists. The South Xiangtangshan Grottoes are located beside the urban area of the Fengfeng Mining District and official Gao Anagong from the Northern Qi Dynasty directed its construction. The South Xiangtangshan Grottoes are smaller and easier to visit because they do not require any climbing.
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