First, create a directory in /opt for Maple. If you are installing Maple 10, you probably want to call this /opt/maple10 instead. If you do, remember to use the appropriate path for the rest of the commands in this guide.
Install Maple 13 Ubuntu
Now so that we can just type maple to start Maple or xmaple to start the graphical version, we need to create symbolic links somewhere in your $PATH. We will be using /usr/local/bin which is reserved for local installations:
Choose one of the installation methods below. If you install Tutor in different ways, you will end up with multiple tutor executables, which is going to be very confusing. At any time, you can check the path to your tutor executable by running which tutor.
This is the simplest and recommended installation method for most people who do not have Python 3 on their machine. Note however that you will not be able to use custom plugins with this pre-compiled binary. The only plugins you can use with this approach are those that are already bundled with the binary: see the existing plugins.
Tutor can be launched on Amazon Web Services very quickly with the official Tutor AMI. Shell access is not required, as all configuration will happen through the Tutor web user interface. For detailed installation instructions, we recommend watching the following video:
The process for upgrading from one major release to the next works similarly to any other upgrade, with the launch command (see above). The single difference is that if the launch command detects that your tutor environment was generated with an older release, it will perform a few release-specific upgrade steps. These extra upgrade steps will be performed just once. But they will be ignored if you updated your local environment (for instance: with tutor config save) before running launch. This situation typically occurs if you need to re-build some Docker images (see above). In such a case, you should make use of the upgrade command. For instance, to upgrade a local installation from Maple to Nutmeg and rebuild some Docker images, run:
Tutor is built on top of Click, which is a great library for building command line interface (CLI) tools. As such, Tutor benefits from all Click features, including auto-completion. After installing Tutor, auto-completion can be enabled in bash by running:
First of all, you need an operating system on your pc for the installation of maple software and then visit the official site of Maplesoft, So the process of installation is divided into a few steps bellow-
After this step, the maple software has been installed on your Ubuntu Linux. But this software is written in Java, So if you don't have openjfx then you need to install this java tool in your system.
In this tutorial, we have covered all steps for maple installation in Linux, ubuntu. But If you need the installation process on macOS or Windows then we will make a separate post for these operating systems. If you have any doubt or query related to this article then let us know in the commend box, we resolve your doubt from our end.
Since Mathematica 6, but especially with Mathematica 8, using certain functionalities such as curated data (for Chemicals, Geography, Polyhedra, etc.) will load and update local databases from the Wolfram internet web sites. Expect the footprint of the program to grow over time. Usually the first use since install of one of these functions will cause a significant first download and indexing before it answers.
Vor der Maple-Installation muss als erstes eine Java-Laufzeitumgebung (JRE) installiert werden und auf der Zielfestplatte müssen ca. 650 MB freier Speicherplatz zur Verfügung stehen. Nach der Installation wird noch eine Lizenz benötigt, bevor die Software genutzt werden kann. Es gibt Netzwerk- und Einzelplatzlizenzen für Maple. Dieser Artikel behandelt nicht die Einrichtung eines Lizenzservers. Wenn man über eine Einzelplatzlizenz verfügt, dann sollte man entweder den Aktivierungscode (purchase code) oder die Lizenzdatei (licence.dat) bereit halten.
Jetzt sollte der graphische Installationsprozess starten. Dabei muss man lediglich das Installationsverzeichnis in z.B. /opt/maple ändern. Im Verlauf des weiteren Artikels wird von diesem Installationsort ausgegangen.
Nach der Installation wird man gefragt, ob man Maple aktivieren möchte. Hat man einen Aktivierungscode, so kann man Maple nun direkt aktivieren. Ist man im Besitz einer licence.dat kann man diese nun mit Root-Rechten[5] in den Ordner /opt/maple/license kopieren.
Jetzt erstellt man noch einen Verweis, damit man Maple oder die grafische Version Xmaple auch von überall ausführen kann. Ohne diese symbolischen Link müsste man immer den kompletten Pfad angeben. Dazu gibt man im Terminal [2] folgenden Befehl ein:
Leider wird bei der Installation kein Eintrag im Anwendungsmenü angelegt, dies könnte jeder Benutzer des Systems selber mit Hilfe des Menüeditors manuell machen. Alternativ kann man über eine .desktop-Datei einen systemweiten Eintrag erzeugen. Dazu erstellt man mit einem Editor mit Root-Rechten [3] die Datei /usr/share/applications/maple.desktop und fügt folgenden Inhalt ein:
Dies liegt mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit daran, dass das von Maple benutzte Hardware-Rendering nicht funktioniert. Um auf Software-Rendering umzustellen, muss die ausführbare Maple-Datei (z.B. /opt/maple/bin/maple) mit Root-Rechten geöffnet und die Zeilen
Ältere Versionen von Maple installierten automatisch eine Java-Laufzeitumgebung (JRE), die nicht gut mit Ubuntu zusammen arbeitete. Man erkennt dies daran, dass Maple zwar startet, aber nur ein weißes Fenster sichtbar wird. Hier ist es besser, auf die JRE von Oracle zu verweisen. Dazu muss die durch Maple installierte ausführbare Java-Datei gegen einen Link zu Oracle Java ausgetauscht werden.
If you would like to run a command on startup you can also add the -c (command) flag to the call, for example, ./xmaple -c "with(Statistics):" will load the Statistics package. You might also use the read command here to read in a file.
If you existing scripts that you'd like to run on startup (including Maple language files mpl), you can use the -i flag to read from an initialization file: ./xmaple -i "PathToScriptFile" This will load the script file without any output.
Yesterday I used tutor local quickstart command for updating the image but after command finished the version of openedx upgrade to maple.1 How can I downgrade to lilac.3? When I try to build image with lilac version I got the error in bellow.
Are you installing behind a proxy, need a completely offline install, or wanting to install a licenced edition of Chocolatey? Need even more options? Visit our Documentation or take our new Installation Course to help you get up and running with Chocolatey!
Hi Mage of Maple, I have been working through the problems in your post and have implemented some workarounds in the gnome-inform7 source code. I created deb and rpm builds for both ubuntu 18.04 and fedora 29 if you would like to try the package out. More details here: Gnome-inform7 6L38 IDE now running on ubuntu 18.04 and fedora 29
Hi vaughnay, I have come up with a fix for the issue of building gnome-inform7 from source that addresses the dependency issue caused by libgoocanvas. Basically, I am modifying the to include libgoocanvas sources and link to it as a static library. There is an effort to update the gnome-inform7 project with some work arounds for modern OS on this thread (several test deb and rpm packages are linked): Gnome-inform7 6L38 IDE now running on ubuntu 18.04 and fedora 29 (rpm & deb link in thread)
This was reported here: Migration needed before upgrade_from_maple Issue #689 overhangio/tutor GitHubAnd is being handled here: fix: upgrade_from_maple issue by ibrmora Pull Request #692 overhangio/tutor GitHub
hey, thanks for this tutorial!easy to understand, but there are a few things that i noticed (at least for me) that may need to be updated. First, is that there is no file that is related to the STM32 in the suggested location (C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\Arduino_STM32-master\drivers\win). I had to search for "maple drivers stm32" on google, and find the github page with them to aquire them. Yes, I did follow the part where we add the file in preferences and download the board definitions. Second is, for me, i still have to switch BOOT 1 to "1", in order for the sketch to run. I also have still have to keep them both in the "0" position in order for it to upload the sketch. Is the later normal? I am of course, fully able to upload the sketches via usb, so THANK you for that! cheers!dps
This guide showed how to install and use the at command in Linux. Use the at utility to schedule one-time jobs and avoid forgetting to run them later. The utility is an alternative to cron jobs, with simpler syntax and no recurring execution.
This guide covers installing Vitess locally for testing purposes, from pre-compiled binaries. We will launch multiple copies of mysqld, so it is recommended to have greater than 4GB RAM, as well as 20GB of available disk space.
Share your design to the web with a single click for viewing on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. Friends can interact with your design right in their browser without having to install anything.
There are three ways to purchase REFPROP: For your use only, for company wide use, or for use in distribution in your code. These are all explained at If you purchase the program for your use only, the copy you will receive can be installed on all machines that you use (not including servers where others can also access the program). You do not need to purchase a copy for each machine you own. There is no protection in the REFPROP installer or program, we trust that you will use the program and license appropriately. 2ff7e9595c